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Ergonomics in the Workplace | By Ally Safety

When a task at hand is not very clear or the instructions are vague, do not hesitate to ask questions. Countless questions that appear dumb at the moment have saved so many lives and limbs. When safety is concerned, no question is ever dumb. Again when in doubt, do not hesitate to ask. 3. Safety gears and clothing have gone through years of research and tons of resources in aid of creating a safer environment. Workplace Safety Safety In The Office True, more accidents happen in construction, manufacturing, industrial, and utilities sites but there are office accidents and unsafe practices that are just as dangerous and just as injurious. Tripping on power cords, bumping on open cabinets, bad ergonomics and furniture layout, carpets that are not flat are just some of the concerns why workplace safety must be observed in the office, because to expect that unchecked and unsafe methods and procedures in the manufacturing floor will not eventually creep into the office is a fallacy, recognized or not. Accidents happen, and when they do, you don t want to be prepared just for specific accidents. Cover every possible thing that could happen in the workplace and set measures that can lessen the likelihood of these happening. Don t think that your employees don t want to work in a safe environment. Assume that your employees prefer a safe environment to a hazardous one, because more often than not, they do. There are several different kinds of fire extinguisher, so be sure to pick the right one for a particular area. Class A extinguishers are meant to put out fires involving ordinary combustibles. Class B extinguishers are made for flammable liquids such as kerosene and oils. And, Class C extinguishers are made to put out fires that involve electrical wires. Since this cannot be totally avoided, ensure training quality, by including the new recruit to attend the next larger training seminar even when the topics discussed are similar. Another attitude towards training that decreases its affectivity is that many employees treat training as a day out of the office. Even when substantial bragging rights will be in order, nothing is better than having all the limbs and parts in the body working well together. It is not worth it. Never worth it. Making Shortcuts Cutting edges and making short cuts are not always efficient aside from potentially endangering the workplace and the people in it, too. 

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