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Identify the risks in the workplace

When that happens, downtime is incurred loosing man-hours, mishandling of materials and equipment, costly repairs, cause employee demotivation and even accidents. Every employee must realize that good housekeeping promotes safety, profitability and the competitiveness of the company. Horseplay may be very light infractions. When workplace safety measures are effectively implemented, it improves company profitability, promotes brand equity, and creates savings in terms of bottom line expenses for compensation, health, and insurance benefits aside from expenses on probable litigation. Due to a very wide variable by which accidents could happen, workplace safety is a continuing process. Because injuries resulting from lifting are common, many companies whose business involves moving objects includes training sessions on manual lifting to their workers including posters in strategic locations in the work area and leaflets for reminders. The following are typical manual lifting guides: - Tap the item or the box if you are not familiar with its content or weight before attempting a lift. This is basically the fear of losing face. This attitude is more pronounced with Asian cultures. To assume that the new employee would "wing it" instead of being sufficiently informed on safety measures employed could prove fatal. Disorganized Workplace Poor housekeeping is always an accident waiting to happen. - Holding supervisors and managers accountable for the safety of the people they manage. - Holding appropriate authorities accountable for enforcing safety and health policies. - Incorporating the safety responsibilities of each employee to their job descriptions as well as -performance evaluations. - Establishing programs that recognize the individual contributions of employees to the safety efforts of the organization. When that happens, judgments are impaired, accidents happen and long-term productivity suffers. Unreasonable demands on the worker like multitasking and very high expectations providing little time to perform tasks proved time and again to be counterproductive. Remember the domino effect. One potential hazard left unnoticed or unchecked could lead to string of events that not only are potentially expensive but also are disastrous. 

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