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How to tell if you have a food allergy, according to a nutritionist

Tannic acids are important ingredient of each product intended for controlling dust mites. It is because these are breaking down animal dander, dust mite allergens found in the furniture or carpets and cockroach allergens. So, if you have two or more cats or other animals in your home, sprays maybe will not give you effectively results. Also, it should to mention that avoiding of the food doesn't mean totally avoidance of the foods. It is recommendation to make food diary for making list of the food on which you are allergic. So, you may eat all food, but after that you got some reaction, you need to write in your diary food that you have eaten. Also, for good results you need about one or two years to get your immune system in normal and to "set" it to respond normal when causes of allergy enter in your body. Still, for using allergy shots, you need to consult with your doctor. It is because not every person react same with using allergy shots. Every food may cause allergy, but the most foods that are cause of allergy are: treenuts, milk, eggs, peanut, fish, soy, wheat and hazelnut. One of the most common food allergy comes from peanut. You may find information about how you should to react in case that it comes to the allergy attack with eating peanut on Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network. Still, doctors recommend that people should to look for the medical help when their children or they get some of the allergy symptoms caused with peanut. It is because the number of the people who are dying from the food allergy is big. About 100 deaths and 15,000 visits of the emergency rooms, are caused with the peanut allergy. But, your immune system sees substances of the food as harmful to your body, so it attacks against the protein. As reaction of entering "sensitized" food into your organism, your body, specific type of the antibodies which are also known as IgE which are "fitting" with the proteins. 

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