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The Difference Between Allergies and a Cold | Stephen Dreskin, MD, PhD, Allergy and Immunology

One of the main reasons why children are suffering form the peanut allergy is, because the woman has consumed peanuts during the pregnancy. Also, if woman consume peanuts during the period when baby is sucking, peanuts may influence bad for the baby. People who start up with using vegetarian food or supplements, usually use food related on the nuts and same with that use lots of amount of the peanut. Still, when it is about skin allergies contained into the creams or some other products intended for skin care, cosmetics products, instead of IgG and IgM antibodies, your body will produce IgE, which is also called immunoglobulin E. The reason of reacting of your body to the skin allergen is because, that your immune system recognized them as harmful for you when you entered them first time. What is actually happened with your body is that it reacts on the food and that is known as food allergy. Allergies on the foods are body's condition where it overreacts, when you eat food which you have never eaten before. Your immune system becomes hypersensitive on certain food. Your immune system in that case produce antibodies which are ready for "fitting" with these substances, recognized as harmful to your organism. But, it could happen that they enter in the body products, food that is not on their "forbidden" list, but also they have allergic attack. It should to mention that putting out food such as wheat may bring you to the very dangerous risk. Also huge number of women who have put out food related on the wheat, which is very dangerous for their health. For example, if you are allergic on the animal hear you will have allergies in the nose, which will include swelling of the nasal mucosa. This is also known as allergic rhinitis. Because of itch in your nose you will very often wipe your nose, more than it is necessary. When your eyes are irritated as reaction of the allergies, symptoms such as itching of conjunctiva and redness are the most often. The Allergy Nowadays, there are defined more types of allergies, but one of the most common is food allergy. As it is name said, food allergy is type start up as reaction of contact, but more after entering certain food on which you are too sensitive. With this sensitive it means that you have been already taken this food before. 

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