Allergies on the foods are body's condition where it overreacts, when you eat food which you have never eaten before. Your immune system becomes hypersensitive on certain food. Your immune system in that case produce antibodies which are ready for "fitting" with these substances, recognized as harmful to your organism. One of the medical treatment is also known as epinephrine or also known as adrenaline. This medication is only for most difficult cases. Every food may cause allergy, but the most foods that are cause of allergy are: treenuts, milk, eggs, peanut, fish, soy, wheat and hazelnut. One of the most common food allergy comes from peanut. Peanut Allergy Lots of the people are convinced that peanut is the type of the nut, still, you should to know that peanut is the plant that belongs to the family of legume. Peanut allergy is one type of the food allergy and it is one of the most common allergies related to beans. Proteins found in peanuts act as very strong allergens, no matter of the amount that certain food contain them. Doctors who are using latex to protect themselves from infections or infectious diseases with touching patient's urine, face, blood or other organism that may pass through the body organism and infect doctors. Actually, more and more medical staff are using latex gloves for protecting them selves, even in the most common checking of the health of patients such as checking pus or other. First signals are influencing on producing antibodies by immunological system, which are destroying these allergens. These antibodies are also known as IgE immunoglobulin E. So, first time of exposing to the allergen, will not cause symptoms as it will second or other time. This means that when you next time expose to the allergen, you may feel auto-reaction of your immune system with producing IgE antibodies. If these medicines can not help you, then you should to use and additional treatments. What are Allergy Shots? Allergy shots are intended to change the way of your immune system for recognizing an allergen. These are form of allergy relief medicine and they are also known as immunotherapy. It could be said that these are preventive for your next allergy attack.
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