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However, the possession of a small quantity is considered to be a misdemeanor rather than a criminal offence. Many of the people in Amsterdam are used to a certain practice in which the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis is permitted. The people are allowed to purchase five grams at a time, though, so you could be asked to explain if you are carrying more than five grams. Their number is even more increasing with multinationals such as Sony, IBM and Xerox choosing Amsterdam as their base for European operations. The restaurants in the city of Amsterdam, Holland offer great dining with international menus that have been dramatically increased, giving diners an extensive choice of cosmopolitan culinary options. However, most of what is within apart from the Red Light District and Dam Square, most of what there is to see is a short tram or bike ride away. By Bike: Here is a great tip for your Amsterdam travel: the best way to see the entire city of Amsterdam is to travel by bike. Today, there are more than 500,000 bikes in the city. It has been one of the Amsterdam's most remarkable historic buildings, and it is well-known throughout the world for its great old architecture and carved stone fa ade. Victoria Hotel Amsterdam offers 305 well appointed rooms for their guests, including executive rooms and business and deluxe suites. Aside from drugs, sex, museums, canals, lakes and waterways, the great city of Amsterdam is also peppered with restaurants and hostels. You may probably find neon lights and boards with the mark "hostels" or "pizzas" in many of the city's streets. Speaking of hostels, it is interesting to know that most of the Amsterdam hostels provide the best accommodation and service available, the reason that many tourists from across the globe return to visit Amsterdam. Flatmates If you are searching for the finest accommodations, Flatmates apartments could be the best option for you. Their apartments are generally offered with the finest location and standards. They actually have a listing of the available apartments, and the owners of these apartments are personal friends of the Flatmates' team, people who are good hosts and will give you with any assistance you might need. 

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