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Also growing up as a child in an abusive home, where the family expressed anxiety and violence constantly can be the cause of anxiety attack. Fight or Flight Mechanism When we sense danger, the body prepares itself to either fight or run away. This is known as fight or flight mechanism. This mechanism is triggered mostly by a part of the brain called Amygdale. Anxiety attacks appear for a reason, generally that the handling of life’s stressful situations is not adequate to help the body adjust. They appear to be random but normally are not. They appear to be without cause but normally have a very clear cause: stress. An anxiety disorder panic attack will continue to occur only because the sufferer has not done enough to prevent it by not handling the stress properly and allowing other factors to interfere with normal stress management. The benefit of combining these two panic attack treatments is that the patient learns recovery skills useful for a lifetime. Relaxation technique is another panic attack treatment that helps the patient to cope with stress – stress being one of the main causes of panic attacks. Some such relaxation techniques include breathing training and exercise, such as yoga and Pilates. Agoraphobics, for instance, tend to have an anxiety panic attack anytime they travel beyond their safe distance, for some this can be just beyond their doorstep. Triggers For most people the trigger for an anxiety panic attack will vary with the situation. At times of extreme stress panic can trigger as the body’s natural reaction to the high levels of stress. Anxiety Attack Heart Problems Anxiety attack heart problems are any problems related to the cardiovascular system of your body that are caused by anxiety or panic attacks. Due to the very nature of a panic attack, it is not surprising that anxiety attack heart problems are among the leading causes of heart attacks or other cardiovascular issues among North Americans today. Aside from behavioral therapies, antidepressants are the one chemical way to help people control their panic disorders. However, there are ways to help control this with a panic attack natural remedy. Calming herbs such as lavender, valerian and passion flower and have been used successfully at the onset of a panic attack. 

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