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HOW TO DRESS A NEWBORN IN THE SUMMER: Summer Baby Clothes, Summer Newborn Must Haves & Essentials

But if you intend to use the video monitor in different places all over the house then it would be a good idea to avail of the wireless devices. Take note though that wireless video monitors also have their limitations. The device for the baby and the device for the parents must be in their proper range with each other or else wireless intermittent connection may occur. 1) Change The Frequency of Your Device Wireless devices such as baby monitors are created to have the ability to change frequencies. This ability of these devices can help in resolving any interference problems. If you think this is difficult to do, think again. It can be as easy as just flicking a simple switch on the device. Switch on the baby monitor first. To get the best possible reception and transmission from a 2.4GHz baby monitor with video capability, switch off all 2.4GHz devices in your house. After that, you may turn on the baby monitor followed by your wireless router that is if you have one. Last but not least, you may switch on the base unit of your wireless phone. The audio baby monitor receives and sends sound so that the parent could hear the baby from a distance. The video monitor on the other hand works like a tiny TV by having a camera record the baby s movements while the parent could watch on a small screen receiver. And the sensory monitor is a movement detector that alarms the parent when it cannot perceive any movement from the child for more than 20 seconds. You may also keep the second receiver on stand by in case your main one runs out of battery juice. In addition, an extra receiver may also come in handy especially if you have a tendency to lose things like phones, remote controls, etc. Facts About Baby Monitors Before you shop for a baby monitor that suits you, try to get the lowdown on these valuable modern-day parenting gadgets. Studies have been made over the years claiming that too much exposure to electro-SMOG can result to health problems affecting the nervous system of the body. A person may have such initial symptoms of headaches, disruptive sleep patterns, chronic fatigue and abnormal behavioral patterns in children. How Are Baby Monitors Different from Other Gadgets with Electro-smog? 

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