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In choosing a monitor, the right range or bandwidth must be considered properly. If it would be used in a bigger house, then a wider range is required. A smaller house or apartment might not need as much range especially if one lives in an area where there may be a lot of interference such as cell phones and other monitors that could disrupt the signals. Baby Monitors: Mom s Best Friend Pregnant mothers take care of themselves during gestation knowing that everything that they come upon would affect the tiny baby growing inside them. She would take every precaution to avoid anything that is detrimental to the baby. Part of it would be choosing the appropriate nutrition and activity to ensure the baby s safety. What To Do If You Think Your Baby Has Apnea When your baby is born, he or she is automatically evaluated for any problems in health like defects in breathing. But this is just an initial evaluation which can change in the next few months. The first step is to have your baby checked up by his or her doctor. Remember to steer clear of the router's lowermost or uppermost frequency bands if you're using an analog phone that's set in 2.4GHz. 3. Opt for a wireless phone that utilizes the 900MHz, 1.9GHz or 5.8GHz band. Since these channels are not as commonly utilized as the 2.4GHz frequency band, they're less prone to interference. The device for the baby and the device for the parents must be in their proper range with each other or else wireless intermittent connection may occur. Conventional Baby Monitors VS Baby Video Monitors The question whether to use the conventional simplex baby monitors or the baby video monitors will all fall down to preference. The only setbacks of wireless baby monitors are that it can be more expensive to wired devices and they are also prone to interference. Wireless Baby Monitors: Solving Interference Problems Issues of interference with wireless devices have been the long time concern of parents who use wireless baby monitors. 

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