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If you prefer to have one radio transmitter in every room, there are actually a smaller number of choices. In order to set up a multi-room monitoring system, some parents purchase more than one baby monitors. By simply positioning one radio transmitter in each room, you can listen to the sounds coming from your baby's room even if you're busy with house chores or other stuff. In fact, a lot of parents are willing to spend tons of money just to make sure that they're little bundles of joy are safe and sound. With this in mind, buying only the best baby monitors that the market has to offer seems like an excellent idea. Unfortunately, some people mistakenly translate money for quality. In the baby s room, a transmitter device with microphone is installed while the parents have a receiver device with a speaker. Any sound the baby makes in the room will be transmitted directly to the device held by the parents. If something is wrong, the parents will definitely know about it. But baby monitors have already come a long way. The only setbacks of wireless baby monitors are that it can be more expensive to wired devices and they are also prone to interference. Wireless Baby Monitors: Solving Interference Problems Issues of interference with wireless devices have been the long time concern of parents who use wireless baby monitors. One-way monitors from the name itself, basically only transmit sound through a single channel wherein parents can hear the sounds that their baby makes from the other end. However, the much-improved two-way monitors can allow parents to talk back to their child with their own portable transmitter. Parents who have children with separation anxiety often prefer this type of monitor, as hearing a familiar voice could usually calm the child. No one can be at two places at the same time, and it has been one of the major dilemmas of parents who still want to be productive around the house but more importantly want to prioritize their child s safety. This is the very reason why baby monitors have become very useful to many parents. These gadgets allow parents to monitor the baby s activities while they are not inside of the nursery or are working at a distance. 

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