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Pediatrician Explains Newborn Baby Basics: Feeding, Safe Sleep, Pooping, Car Seats, and more.

The camera sends feeds to its partner video monitor used by the parents. Wired or Wireless Baby video monitors can either be wired or wireless. There is really not much difference between the two in terms of monitoring quality except for the fact that wired devices use wires while the wireless ones don t. Both types of devices have their own advantages and disadvantages. For wireless devices though, one of the disadvantages is interference. Interferences can be in the form of intercepted voices from other wireless devices such as wireless phones or static sounds. These interferences can also cause sounds to be muffled and inaudible. - Adhere to the manufacturer's strict instructions at all times with regard to the usage and the placement of baby monitors inside your home. - Handle the baby monitor with care. Do not recklessly carry the device around. Also, avoid clutching the monitor by the antenna because it can easily break. - Safeguard the baby monitor from direct heat sources, as well as the glare of the sun. 3) Prioritize Your Baby Monitor If it is unavoidable that you use wireless devices other than the baby monitor, make sure that you prioritize your baby monitor. Before switching on any other wireless device, switch your baby monitor first. This will help the device get the best reception. It would also be good to note that you should switch the cordless phone base last. They work through the radio frequency and use FM signals to transmit the sound. The major set-back of this variety is the tendency of other receivers picking up the same signal that your monitor transmits, thus less privacy and disturbances are possible. On the other hand, the digital model may cost a little more but it provides more privacy and usually has a wider range of reception than analog. The digital models of baby monitors have proven over the years to be better in reception as compared to that of the older analog version. These models have also proven to be much better at providing privacy for the family. However, for many parents who are concerned with the safety of their child, switching to modern technology can certainly be frightening. 

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