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What Baby Monitors Do Baby monitors generally help mothers oversee the baby without being stuck inside the baby s room all day. Through this, mothers are able to do what must be done around the house thereby accomplishing a lot. From the time baby monitors have been first released, countless of innovations have been made. A baby monitor is a gadget set that has a transmitter and receiver, which sends either sound or video (depending on the type) for the parent to be able to supervise the activities of the baby while he or she is away. There are different types of these monitors the audio, video or sensory. The audio baby monitor receives and sends sound so that the parent could hear the baby from a distance. And so, with whatever type of monitor you want to purchase whether audio, video, digital or analog- here are a few qualities that you should always find in a good monitoring device. What to Look For in a Baby Monitor Clarity of the Reception (whether audio or video) and less static is always a good quality for the baby monitor to become effective in child safety. Currently, there are two types of baby monitors: video baby monitors and audio baby monitors. Video baby monitors, as the name implies, use video footages for overseeing events in the room where the baby is located. It incorporates the technology used by webcams in computers. Instead of only using the simple transmitter with microphone, a camera is installed with it. There is no total mobility since parents can easily get out of range from the baby unit. But with digital monitors, the range of the devices has been extended making it more possible for the parents to roam around the house without worrying of getting out of range. Disadvantages of Digital Baby Monitors Digital baby monitors do also have their fair share of disadvantages. The most basic application of a wired video baby monitor is to provide live video feed from the room of the baby to the room of the parents. This is most useful during the sleeping hours of the parents. With the video baby monitor installed, you can continually monitor your baby without having to stand up and going to your baby in the next room. 

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