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There is really not much difference between the two in terms of monitoring quality except for the fact that wired devices use wires while the wireless ones don t. If you intend to use the video monitor at only one location, then you may opt to use the wired version. But if you intend to use the video monitor in different places all over the house then it would be a good idea to avail of the wireless devices. Basically there are three types of apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Obstructive apnea is most common in babies and children. It is caused by obstructions in the airway such as adenoids and enlarged tonsils. This is quite dangerous especially for babies since it usually happens during sleep time. Even the simpler models of these monitors like the audio monitor at least keeps the parents aware if their baby needs them, especially when the child cries. With this technology, parents are given a way to make sure that their baby is safe especially during times when no one is left inside the room to watch the child. There is no total mobility since parents can easily get out of range from the baby unit. But with digital monitors, the range of the devices has been extended making it more possible for the parents to roam around the house without worrying of getting out of range. Disadvantages of Digital Baby Monitors Digital baby monitors do also have their fair share of disadvantages. If you want to ensure that your next-door neighbors won't be able to pick up the transmitted sounds from your baby monitor, purchase a digital version instead of an analog one. By doing so, you'll be assured that the only sounds you will perceive are the ones that are coming from your little one's room. However, if your home is made of thick concrete walls or has aluminum siding, then this can terribly decrease the strength of the transmitted signal. Parents who own baby monitors have also reported instances of interference. From time to time, their receivers are able to pick up signals from their neighbors' wireless devices baby monitors included. 

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