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Transmitters are being placed 8-10 feet within the baby or closer if possible. Sounds coming from the baby are being picked up and a signal is then transmitted to the receiver. On the other hand, receivers are being carried around the house or place somewhere that is accessible to the mother or whoever it is designated to keep watch of the baby. Although this is completely normal to some, it may also be related to some health conditions that should be a cause for concern especially when it happens to your baby. Being in this kind of predicament, you may opt to seek for the help of baby sleep apnea monitors. The Different Types of Apneas The word apnea has its origin from a Greek word which means without wind. Facts About Baby Monitors Before you shop for a baby monitor that suits you, try to get the lowdown on these valuable modern-day parenting gadgets. A baby monitor, basically, is a radio transmitter that lets you listen to sounds coming from your baby's room. This efficient and compact device is made up of two parts: the radio transmitter and the portable receiver. Having an indicator on the gadget that activates whenever the battery is low prevents instances of the battery running out without you knowing. Not having this feature could be very dangerous to the child because one might not notice that something wrong has already happened if the monitor stops working when the battery drains. After that you can switch on all other devices but you should always have the cordless phone switched on last. Another way to fix interference issues is by using digital baby monitors instead of analog ones. The latest digital technology has incorporated some fixes to solve interferences. The only setback with this solution is that it may cost you a little bit more. Then again, if you're using a wireless router, you'll have to use your computer in order to resolve the problem. Remember to steer clear of the router's lowermost or uppermost frequency bands if you're using an analog phone that's set in 2.4GHz. 3. Opt for a wireless phone that utilizes the 900MHz, 1.9GHz or 5.8GHz band. 

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