And the sensory monitor is a movement detector that alarms the parent when it cannot perceive any movement from the child for more than 20 seconds. How Does It Play A Role In the Safety of the Child? What baby monitors basically do, is allow the parents to know their child s activities and to watch out for any possible problems from afar, especially if the baby is asleep. You may have seen it in the movies or on TV - the navy seals attacking at night are not at a disadvantageous position since they are using their handy dandy night vision goggles. That same technology is being used in today s baby monitors. Even if the lights in the baby s room are switched off, with the help of the night vision baby monitors, you can easily see your baby. This type receives and transmits sounds produced by the baby to a parent unit so moms or dads could hear the activities of the baby and know if there are any problems while they are at a certain distance. Lately, additional features have been placed to these audio monitors, wherein parents could now talk back to their baby. Baby Video Monitors Extreme The usual setup for baby video monitors is that a camera is placed in the baby s room then a monitor, usually an LCD type, will be carried by the parent. But now, video monitors have gone to the extreme level. Parents can now use the baby video monitors to watch over their youngling even when they are at the office. These helpful gadgets serve as an extension of a person's hearing or visual range. Parents who are hard of hearing or deaf also share the same opinion about baby monitors. Even though they put up with a lot of difficulties in caring for their babies, the ounce of reassurance they get from using such devices is more than welcome. In the past, baby monitors were simple gadgets making use of a transmitter and receiver system. But now, as modern day technology progresses, so do the baby monitors. As of today, digital baby monitors have risen up to provide parents better quality and functionality when it comes to baby monitors. Digital Baby Monitors and Other Baby Monitors One obvious difference between digital baby monitors and other old baby monitors is that it s digital!
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