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Behavioral Problems in Children | PSM lecture | Community Medicine lecture | PSM made easy | Arpits

Uncontrollable anger as among the top and common behavior problems usually affect work, personal relationships, and overall life quality. Thus, there is a need for anger management training. Psychologists have established that it is just natural for some people to become more hot-headed than others. Some people easily get angry, with greater anger intensity. Eye contacts are also impossible to achieve with such children. The signs of the disorders are what usually make up for the problem when girls have the condition. Because girls are naturally subtle in nature and less hyperactive due to their physical and anatomical attributes, most girls with the disorder remain undiagnosed. But as time goes by, more and more findings are being linked to the human body that can affect its major parts like the brain. These major developments or possibilities continue to be under the observation and study of the leading institutions in the world right now. Among the age brackets that are prone to developing behavior problems are kids that are in the grade school level. Studies have shown that women are twice likely to have GAD than men. People with existing panic disorder, depression, phobias or other psychiatric disorders are more prone to GAD. This condition often starts during childhood or adolescence. However, it could also start at any age on a case to case basis. That is because aside from inability to finish tasks like homeworks and exams, he would likely have learning disability. He could excel in a particular subject of interest, but he would do extremely poor in other subjects. The adolescent would also find it hard to maintain relationships. He tends to become a loner because he could not interact well and nicely with people. If they see how you deal with problems, they are likely to imitate it and apply it on their own. - Always keep the communication lines open. This would help children overcome behavior problems. This is because parents and teachers are helping the child to be open about their feelings and would also help them feel secured knowing that there is always somebody willing to listen to them. 

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