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Coping with Behavior Problems

Children may not show their response right away to traumatic events especially if it would involve separation or divorce, death or an addition to the family. When changes like these happen, it is important to encourage them to share their feelings. Changes should be explained to them prior to the event. If the aggressive and destructive behavior lasts for more than 2 years and has no signs of decreasing, then the child or adolescent is already a candidate for having Conduct Disorder. The causes of Conduct Disorder are may be environmental or neuropsychological. Children growing up under harsh environment such as having abusive parents/caregivers, disadvantaged neighborhood, low socioeconomic status, or mixing with other delinquent children may result to conduct problems. Being nervous is normal to people, especially when facing strangers or interacting with a large group of people. However, if one feels anxious or scared of any form of contact with others, but seem fine on their own, then this may already be a case of Social Phobia. People with Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder usually experience panic whenever these kinds of situations occur: meeting important people, social encounters with strangers, being introduced, being criticized or made fun of, public speaking, being on stage, or even making small talks during parties. After determining the extent of the depression, the psychologist will tend develop a program that can help the patient cope up with the factors in his or her life that causes stress and depression. These sessions usually last for six to eight series depending on the state of depression the patient is going through. As early as now, you can teach the child to have a positive outlook in life by teaching him or her to be more self-independent and self-sufficient. You can also teach the child to have a positive outlook in life by exposing him or her to things and experiences that can help the child develop more positive strategies especially in dealing with sadness. What is worse is that depression in some leads to permanent loss of interest in life, and eventually pushing others to suicide. Thus, it is considered as among the most pressing condition that leads to many behavior problems. Cognitive therapy for depression is so far the best and most effective means to treat and curtail the situation. 

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