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How to Identify Triggers for Behavior Problems in Kids on the Spectrum

Take a deep breath then imagine happy images. This strategy has been proven to be effective in calming angry people and making hot heads cool. Restructure cognition- Change the way you naturally think. For example, instead of cursing and yelling, you may just sit down and think of more positive thoughts when feeling angry. Children growing up under harsh environment such as having abusive parents/caregivers, disadvantaged neighborhood, low socioeconomic status, or mixing with other delinquent children may result to conduct problems. However, studies also show that children diagnosed with Conduct Disorder seem to have an impairment in the frontal lobe of the brain, the part which we use to avoid harm, learn from negative experiences, and plan ahead. First, such a supportive means of counseling helps relieve the patient s feeling of pain and depression. The hopelessness that comes naturally with depression is eased. Second, the therapy helps modify pessimistic thoughts and transform them into optimistic ideas. Thus, at the end of the therapy, the patient would feel more positive about himself. Major social like the school could influence on how we act and relate to other people. What happens in community contributes into the individual s growth and development. It is likely to develop behavior problems if we are continuously exposed to poverty, neglect, stress, inconsistent expectations, confusion, and abuse. Another way would be by having open communication with your support group, which may consist of family, friends, co-workers or classmates and teachers. Talk to them, especially when something has been worrying you for quite some time already. Sharing the burden with the people you trust will definitely lighten your load. During interviews, people with BED say that they tend to eat a lot whenever they are lonely, mad, worried, or stressed. As of now, researchers are looking into neurotic and genetic causes of Binge Eating Disorder. Studies also show that people suffering with Binge Eating Disorders may become depressed because of their disgust towards uncontrollable eating. 

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