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Managing Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

In the middle and advanced stages of the disease, the person with Alzheimer s would have difficulty in keeping their normal behavior. They may wander, be aggressive, hallucinate, become paranoid and would often have sleeping and eating difficulties. It is important to maintain patience and providing sympathetic care to the patients. How could you identify if a child is already showing signs of problems? If a child is behaving out of his normal behavior and would make serious offences even though they know the rules inside the house, school or community, you could start wondering if it is just part of being rebellious because of their age. It would be all right if you make him stand at the corner without speaking to him and afterward explain to him the reasons why you did that. It is also best if you consult a psychologist for early detection and intervention. But what causes this hyper activism-aggressiveness among children? Before you blame yourself, you must understand that there is no conclusive evidence that it is solely caused by genetics. Binge eating starts as early as adolescents, though it is seen more often in adults around mid forty s and fifty s. Most people with BED are obese and have health problems due to their weight. However, this does not mean that all obese people have BED. People who binge eat might also lose and gain weight, which leads to yoyo effect in dieting. Today, many studies show that one of the age brackets that are usually attacked by depression is during teenager years. Due to the many drastic changes a teenager has to go through during this major phase in his or her life, depression usually sets in especially if the person does not have enough tolerance to accept major shifts and changes in his or her life. Because of this, AAT/nature education programs were created to be therapeutic for patients in residential treatment especially for those with attention-deficit/hyperactive and conduct disorders. It has also been observed that canine companions included in the AAT program were effective in decreasing the patient's agitated and aggressive behavior while improving their cooperation with the instructors, thus leading to engaged learning and behavioral control in a regular classroom setting. 

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