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Trauma and Behavior Part 2: "Why Does the Cookbook Approach Not Work for Many Behavior Problems?"

Not all adults with ADHD are unable to concentrate in their tasks or responsibilities. Some could concentrate given that they are truly interested in what they are doing. Adults with ADHD can be antisocial or the opposite, which is they always need to be with somebody. There are different tests that could determine if a person has ADHD and what would be necessary to deal with it. Our office allows their employees to bring their children from time to time to the office. Normally children act shyly at first but it s a given that they ll soon begin to roam around and explore things. Almost all of the women at the office have kids and at one time or another, they have already brought their kids to work. Listening intently to the stories, views, and opinions of a child can help him or her develop the self-confidence he or she needs in order to deal with behavior issue and sadness when it attacks. 3. Always ask the child how he or she feels. Being interested about the experience of a child in a day or asking him or her how she feels about certain things will make the child think he or she is important. You could start by having a calming bedtime routine to settle down the children, assure and settle their fears. If sleeping problems continue and disrupting the child s activities, then there are sleep specialists and doctors who can help you. Eating problems Children could be picky and they could end up not consuming the right amount of nutrition that they need. Known as "manic depression," bipolar disorder is considered as a serious illness characterized by dangerous and risky behavior that can lead to destruction of relationships and devastated careers. If not given attention and if not treated properly, bipolar disorder can even lead to a the person suffering from it to steal his own life through suicide. In these cases, they need reassurance, security and comfort. Medical conditions. Pain, discomfort, poor memory, memory loss, and loss of verbal and even physical skills could lead to development of behavior problems. Medications could also result in changes in attitude as a side-effect. If caregivers, family members would fail to address pain and discomfort, it could result into restlessness, frustration and aggression. 

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