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Log Cabin Bird House

Putting them in a nice place where there won't be much hazard to their health, having dangers when moving in can be hard if you put them in the wrong place. After building your bird house, putting some nesting materials nearby can help the birds. Giving them the needed things for nesting can always lessen their efforts in searching; keep some pieces of strings or yarns and probably nesting materials where they can be found easily. There are those birds that are choosy in their bird house choice. Do not be surprised if you seem to be attracting the attention of one type more than the other. Consider these things first before you choose the bird house to build based from the free patterns that you have gotten. Make sure that all your efforts will not go to waste when you find that it is not the best pattern to have. They have a knack to just ignore locations which they think are not safe and are not adhering to what they want. Experts are saying that the best type of bird house to build for blue birds are wooden ones that are situated in rural areas that have open spaces. The best location is those that are placed high on a pole. In addition, it can be the main attraction at the front of your home or in a certain room. The location you will put your fancy bird house does not matter. What matters is that it suits the ambiance well. Fancy bird houses can be made as decorative as you want it to be. The materials you can use to create them are unlimited. If possible, do not use the lumber as it tends to poison the birds once it gets wet. The paint could be used on the exterior and not inside. Avoid using milk cartons, metal, and can tins because they ruin their eggs, Remove the unwanted guests. Once you spot mice, squirrels, and even bees, eliminate them at once. They do not mingle with the ordinary birds and they are not used to staying in one place because these man-made birdhouses are easily coveted by the other domineering kinds of birds. It is a common scenario that bluebirds are typically spotted in the farmlands and pastures. When you are considering the option of constructing a bluebird birdhouse, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the patterns of their migrating and nesting. 

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