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Nest Box Design: Our BEST DESIGN Details from 25 years of Practice

Most of the time, you will find them in farmlands and pastures. So it is not surprising that those who want to have these types of birds in their area are setting up blue bird trails to lure them into a location just like what they are used to. In order to build a blue bird house, you need to have intensive knowledge about these birds and their behaviors. There are the eastern bluebirds that are typically seen in the eastern part of the continent of the United States going to Mexico. The western bluebirds are predominantly living in southwest Canada going to Mexico. On the other hand, the mountain bluebirds live in the prairies of the western part of the Northern United States going towards Mexico and Alaska. Most humming bird houses are small like the birds themselves. In fact, they are made so small that you will not be able to see them the first time if you are not looking close enough. Some people choose to build hummingbird houses on tree trunks where they can be as close to the trunk of a tree as possible. And you probably would not want to make them feel like they are your prisoners too. What you need to do is to provide proper ventilation in your bird deck house. If you have one that is fully covered, consider putting on holes on the top, bottom and the sides. You do not need to do this if the bird deck house has an open space where birds can move out and about. Choose only the dried gourds that have the appropriate measurement for the bird house. The ideal gourds should have a diameter of 9 to15 inches. 5. Be sure that the walls and sides of the gourds are correctly measured to make it comfy for all the birds. The walls should not be too thick, as this will make the bird house warm. Each hole should measure at least inch. Also, drill 8 holes for the ventilation on top side of the bird house. Place an extended roof Provide a roof that is extended of at least two inches in front to protect entrance of the house from raindrops that is usually driven by the wind and also to prevent domesticated animals from getting inside. 

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