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With some emergencies, the cheeks, lips, or gums will have cuts or abrasions on them from where the teeth come out of the socket. If you ve had a tooth recently knocked out, the first thing you should do is look for that tooth. When you ve found the tooth, gently scrub it to get rid of any dirt or debris. It doesn t take long for it to happen either, especially if you have been chewing for a long time. Smoking can trigger toothaches as well, as the smoke is bad for your teeth and eats away at them as well. Even though there are many causes to toothaches, there are things you can do to stop and pain and prevent toothaches. The tissue in the pulp is kept alive by the blood vessels that come from the tip of the root and travel along the root canal into the tooth. Decay is the main reason for pulp in the tooth dying. Once the decay has reached the pulp, it will keep eating away until the pulp has died. Once it dies, the toxins from the decay will be released into the root tip and make it s way into the jawbone. Abscessed Teeth An abscess in the tooth refers to an infection that was caused by a pocket of pus residing in the tissue around the tooth. Abscesses are very serious conditions, and can lead to serious matters if they aren t treated immediately. When the pulp of a tooth dies due to damage or decay, bacteria will begin to grow from the dead tissue that is left. For many years, there has been a lot of controversy as to the need to remove these teeth. If the teeth don t cause any harm or pain, they are normally fine to stay in place. If they present a bad position or cause you a lot of pain or discomfort, they will need to be removed. When the wisdom teeth first come in, they will sometimes be impacted. Simply take the tablet and put it in your mouth, then use your tongue to hold it against your tooth. The aspirin or Tylenol will start to dissolve, and work it s way into your nerve and stop the pain. This is a very effective way to stop the pain, although once the pill dissolves it can leave a terrible taste in your mouth. 

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