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Listerine vs. Tuna #Shorts

When the pulp of a tooth dies due to damage or decay, bacteria will begin to grow from the dead tissue that is left. This bacteria will eventually spread from the root of the dead tooth into the tissue that is below and create a pocket of pus - the abscess. Gum disease is also a cause for a tooth becoming abscessed. Root canals are a very common procedure these days, as they help to save the tooth by removing the dead or dying pulp. The pulp exists inside of the tooth, and can spread to abscess if it isn t taken care of. The tissue in the pulp is kept alive by the blood vessels that come from the tip of the root and travel along the root canal into the tooth. If you ve been afraid to try flossing due to the bleeding, you should really get over that fear and floss after you brush. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you ll to brush and floss your teeth. Regular checkups with your dentist will help as well, although it is up to you to continue your regular maintenance at home with flossing and brushing. Although there is really no way to prevent a dry socket, you can help to reduce the risk by following your after surgery directions. Even though you may be following the directly precisely, you could still end up with a dry socket. They are known as a quirk of nature, and will make you feel like you are on your death bed - although you really aren t. With their color being dark, they are easier to notice than composite or porcelain fillings, and aren t recommended for visible areas of the mouth, especially the front teeth. Composite fillings are a common type of material, as they match the color of your teeth. The material that makes up the composite filling is mixed then placed directly in the cavity, where it hardens. Either way, you ll need to make sure that you use extreme caution with the tooth for the next few days. The more moderate fractures, normally include damage to the dentin, pulp, and even the enamel. These fractures can be nothing to worry about at times, yet painful with other cases. Providing the pulp hasn t been damaged, your dentist will be able to restore the full shape and function to the fractured tooth. 

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