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Budgeting for Your Wedding You don't have to marry the Prince of Wales just to have that wedding you're dreaming of; although actually marrying the Prince of Wales is always part of every woman's wedding dream. The key is to (1) find the persons who could offer the services you are looking for in the least amount there is in the market and (2) learn to apportion your money properly, or in other words, learn to budget. Budgeting and forecasting establish realistic expectations and goals for management to guide the organization forward. Budgeting and forecasting scenarios can be integrated into your financial reports and extend their use for future cash flow projection, variance reporting, and return on investment. If an organization's sales volume is projected to increase significantly over a period of time, first and foremost it must be able to make a good budgeting and forecasting. You have more credit cards than a successful gambler has poker chips. You are at or perilously near the limit on each of your credit cards. You consistently charge more each month than you make in payments. You are working overtime to keep up with your credit card payments. You don't know how much you owe and really don't want to find out. Then, slowly begine to increase the amount each month. And if it is your child's education you're saving for, you'll need to be a little wiser and start a little bigger than that now: Alwayas assume that you will need to save between $115 and $284 a month. This estimate starts when your baby is born. The budgeting process provides people with the opportunity to carefully match their goals with the resources necessary to accomplish those goals. Budgets are well-known financial tools. In the creation of this budget entails a multi-step process that involves many people in the household or organization. Spending smart is the key towards better finances. It's a way to set financial priorities. But before you get to setting your objectives, you need to take stock of where you're spending your money today. More than ever, really give financial budgeting a try for it may open your eyes. You might think of a budget as financial handcuffs - meaning you are restricting yourself from spending money on the things you want. 

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