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Ep. 188 | Budgeting Mistakes (with Ramit Sethi)

You learn to be satisfied with what is present with you and not anymore wish to possess other things that you know you just cannot possibly purchase. Personal budgeting makes you more industrious. Instead of living a sedentary lifestyle, you work for your stomach and try not to spend much on leisure. This annual budget is mostly projected on a quarterly basis, with each quarter detailed in months and/or weeks. It is also possible to do budgets good for two to five years. Anything beyond five years generally is impractical because of the possible change in economy in that time span. There are many benefits of business budgeting. Don't overspend on souvenir or invitation. You can even create one of your own to lessen the cost. There are a lot of souvenir shops around that can give you an inspiration for your own wedding giveaways. Buy one and buy the raw materials for its production from your local supermarkets or office supplies stores. Making your very own filing system for receipts, bank statements, loan details among other things can help you in budgeting money. Always plan for the worst they might come any time, any place. Budgeting money also means saving some money aside for an emergency expense. If a member of the family might get sick or the money you expected to receive is delayed, you will have an emergency fall back plan. It is a time-consuming, multi-layered, and complex process. But it doesn't have to be that way. Financial budgeting is essential to give you control over your financial life. You can simply begin to put some of your savings toward the goals you really want to achieve some time in the future. Such plans may include a family vacation to Disney World or the construction of a new deck for the house. A budgeting tool is a well-managed guideline of everything about your finances. You can find everything you expect in a budgeting tool including retirement planning, estate planning, capital needs analysis, budgeting, what-if scenarios, disability needs analysis, education needs analysis, cash flow and tax planning, balance sheets, among others. 

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