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How I Keep My Budget Simple | Personal Budgeting Tips

A business budget allows you to perceive problems before they occur and alter your plans to prevent those problems. In business, budgets help you determine how much money you have at present and how you will use it, and help you decide whether you have enough savings to reach your financial objectives. They associate budgeting and planning with that of a strict, low-fat, low-carb, high-protein dieting. They believe that those people who do budgeting and planning are starving themselves to death. But the funny thing with this is that these same people who criticize budgeting and planning fail to take a look at retirees who splurge themselves during their fruitful years. For car owners: It can help in budgeting money, if you plan your trips around town. Before you leave the house think about the route you will be taking so you can use short cuts, avoid traffic jams and do important things along the way (like pay the bills, etc.). It saves gas and time. Check your user's manual for the car's necessary maintenance. To them, budgeting finances is simply laying out the money on the table, apportioning them in envelops, and labling each envelop with Bills, Rent, Amortization, Transportation, Food. But budgeting finances require a pen and a notebook. Input the incoming money and the outgoing money, find the difference, and voila, your personal budget right in front of your eyes. Maintaining a cash cushion in the bank -- typically enough to live on for at least three months -- can help you sleep easier at night. With these tips of family budgeting in mind and in motion, you will be able to finally reward yourself. You can allow yourself a reward that fits the budget, whether it's a trip to Hawaii, a day at the spa, or a nice dinner with your partner. Here is a simple spending system that can greatly help your personal finance budgeting: - Create a personal finance budget that you can use - Save 10% of your income - Always know exactly how much you have left to spend - Instantly know the impact of every spending decision - Track all your purchases - Pay your bills on time - Effectively manage credit card spending Many people create a financial budget based on other people financial worksheets. 

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