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Weight Loss Dietary Supplements and The Pursuit of Happiness

As far as chitin is considered, it is refined by taking out the cuticles from the shellfish, such as crabs, shrimps as well as lobsters. They are then converted into a powdery form which is deacetylated. It can also be exposed of definite chemical groups, permitting the compound to vigorously absorb fats. This is the reason that people go for Chitosan to reduce their weight along with lowering of cholesterol level. However, it is concluded from all of the medical studies on Chitosan that it has more shortcomings than benefits. Numerous medical studies on Chitosan were conducted in order to observe whether Chitosan is really capable of improving human cholesterol profile or not. Wound healing Tissue engineering Tissue repair Local delivery of cells etc Analysis of Chitosan chemistry revealed that it is made up of N-deacylation, which is a chitin molecule. Chitosan is basically a linear polysaccharide, which is mainly composed of (1-4)-linked D-glucosamine together with N-Acetyl glucosamine monomers. This trapped fat by LipoSan Ultra Chitosan gel will ultimately become unavailable to be absorbed and hence easily removed as waste from human body. The main difference between ordinary Chitosan and LipoSan is just the time taken to dissolve body fats. An ordinary Chitosan generally takes about an hour to be soluble in the stomach acid. Reason behind this approach of critics is the non-availability of medical evidences supporting that there are no dangers of chitosan. This is why, most of critics and biomedical experts strongly oppose the use of medicines composed of chitosan. It seems good to use medicines for controlling your weight and cholesterol level. Now, they are not required to be worried because chitosan plus is now available at medical stores that will surely help them in this regard. Chitosan Plus is basically composed of Chitosan polymer mostly obtained from the outer skeletons of crabs. Many other crustaceans may also be used in order to get Chitosan, which is in actual a compound of chitin. 

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