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Together with the renowned fat as well as cholesterol lowering impressions of chitosan, a number of claims have issued emphasizing the consequences of chitosan affecting blood lipids. It is composed of deacetylation of chitin, which is similar to cellulose available in the external shells of insects. Numerous medical studies have been held till now and most of these conclude that this polymer has more shortcomings than benefits. It is promoted by manufacturers that chitosan has a noteworthy capability of offering best results in weight reduction. Though it is highly claimed by producers of chitosan that it is the best fat burner and fat magnet yet no research has supported this claim. In this study, it was found out that test subjects lost eight percent of body fat and reduced cholesterol by thirty-two percent in four weeks. Secondly, there are various studies on chitosan which revealed that the substance lowers plasma cholesterol and triglycerides and improved the HDL cholesterol level. Chitosan is a fibrous compound available naturally in the form of chitin (polysaccharides) present in external shells of crustaceans. Repeatedly performed biomedical studies have been revealed that fibrous Chitosan has an adequate power of binding body fats. Chitosan shows resistance towards digestion but no need to be worried about it as chitosan contains no calories. Perhaps what's nice about the said body balance chitosan is that the fat bound to it cannot make its way into the bloodstream or be kept inside the body as a fuel source. The reason is that, the complexed fat now forms a fat ball that is too big to fit through the lining between the digestive tract and the bloodstream. These significant medical studies on Chitosan show that this chemically made substance is not fully capable of improving the cholesterol profile. These differing results suggest that products based on Chitosan have capability of bringing slight improvement in cholesterol profile. Chitosan is considered as a good supplement used for weight loss. 

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