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Best Monthly Contact Lenses (My 3 Favorites) | Doctor Eye Health

Even though other contacts are great to wear and may feel comfortable, they don t quite match up to everything that Acuvue offers you. For most contact lens users, Acuvue 1 day are the best that money can buy. They aren t that expensive either - especially if you buy them in bulk. If you are just starting to wear contact lenses, using Acuvue 1 day lenses will be the smartest move you have ever hade. You should always keep some rewetting drops or saline with you at times, just in case your eyes start to dry out. If you are new to contact lenses, you should ask your optician or staff any questions that come to mind. Normally, after you have been fitted for contact lenses, the optician and his staff will show you how to put your contacts in, how to care for them, and anything else you need to know about them. Contacts are an ideal choice for many, for the simple fact that they feel natural - almost like a pair of eyes that you never knew you had. Something to keep in mind, is the fact that cheap contact lenses aren t the best of quality. As the name states, these types of lens are cheap in price - and also quality. Below, you will find some tips on how to get the best from your contacts. To ensure that your contacts remain healthy, you should always replace them as required by the manufacturer or type of contacts you are using. Most types of contacts need to be replaced every 2 weeks, and replaced with a fresh pair. The one thing that hard and soft contact lenses have in common, is the fact that you must wash your hands before you handle either of them. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before you handle your hard lenses. Antibacterial soap is the best soap to use, as it will thoroughly clean your hands and it doesn t contain any type of fragrance. With most types of extended wear lenses, all you have to do is keep them clean, put them in, then go about your normal day. You don t need to clean them near as often as other types of soft contact lenses. Once you clean them they should last you for a long time before they need to be cleaned again. One of the best attributes to extended wear contact lenses is the fact that they are very comfortable. 

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