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Contact Lenses for Beginners | How to Put in Contacts

Even though the contact is moist and may feel comfortable in your eye, the water will start to evaporate from the contact lens as you wear it. When this happens, the contact will draw moisture from the tears in your eyes, which results in dryness. If the contact lens contains a lot of water, then it is almost guaranteed to lose moisture throughout the day. Before you put your contact lenses in your eyes, you should always inspect them for tears or defects. Sometimes, contact lenses can get tears in their material, resulting in serious problems if you put them in your eyes. You should also inspect your lens for debris or smudges as well, and clean them thoroughly if you find anything wrong. You can normally get it out on the first try, with a little practice. Once the contact is out, blink a few times to clear your eyes. If it doesn t want to come out, put some drops in your eye to moisten it up, then try again. Contact lenses are a great innovation to vision correction, and they are easier to use than most people may think. Colors add flair and personality to contact lenses, giving people the chance to be different. When you add color to your lenses - you are telling the world that you are different. No matter what color you are interested in, you can find colored lenses that match your preference. There are hundreds of different styles available, from kids to adults. On the Internet you can find a lot of deals from many different manufacturers, many of which won t set you back a lot in terms of money. You can also find extended wear contact lenses locally, although the Internet is the best way to save money. Before you decide to buy a pair of extended wear contact lenses, you should make sure that they are right for you. If you wear them too long when you start wearing them, they can harm your eyes. Your optician will tell you what he recommends, which is normally a few hours during the day then take them out. With each passing day, you can wear them for longer periods until your eyes gradually adjust. Another aspect that will take some getting used to, that you don t face with glasses, is knowing how to handle your contact lenses. 

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