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Doctor removes 23 contact lenses from patient's eye

Your optician will tell you what he recommends, which is normally a few hours during the day then take them out. With each passing day, you can wear them for longer periods until your eyes gradually adjust. Another aspect that will take some getting used to, that you don t face with glasses, is knowing how to handle your contact lenses. When you are ready to take them out, look up with your eye then use your fingers to grab the contact by the sides and pull it out. You can normally get it out on the first try, with a little practice. Once the contact is out, blink a few times to clear your eyes. If it doesn t want to come out, put some drops in your eye to moisten it up, then try again. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that you find on the contact, and keep them clean. If you don t clean your contacts on a regular basis, you may end up getting an eye infection. Contact lenses are a great investment for anyone who needs vision correction, although you ll need to take care of them. One of the best attributes to extended wear contact lenses is the fact that they are very comfortable. They are easy to put in your eyes, and most people don t even notice that they are wearing any contact lenses at all. Even though some people may experience discomfort with them, the majority of those who wear them find them to be very comfortable. A majority of contact lenses are made of water and polymers, most being more than 50% water. Even though the contact is moist and may feel comfortable in your eye, the water will start to evaporate from the contact lens as you wear it. When this happens, the contact will draw moisture from the tears in your eyes, which results in dryness. There are different manufacturers that produce different types of bifocal contact lenses, meaning that it may take you a bit of research and experimenting to find which type works the best for you. Some lenses however, are made with a unique design, known as concentric. Similar to concentric circles, there are two adjustments - one in the middle the other around the outside. 

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