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Insertion and Removal of Soft Contact Lenses - An Optometrist's Guide.

Cleaning and disinfecting As the names imply, this is for both disinfecting and cleaning your contacts. Cleaning is normally achieved by either ultrasonic waves or agitation, where the disinfecting is done by multipurpose solution or UV light. The instructions for the brand you selected will be on the bottle, and you should always follow them to avoid damage to your eyes or your contacts. They are good up to a month per pair, which makes them ideal for everyday use. They normally come in boxes of 6, meaning that a single pair will last you up to 3 months. If you wear contacts, you should look into the Acuvue advance. You can buy them online, through your local optician, or anywhere else that sells contacts. When you clean them, you should always use the right solution, instead of water. If you soak them in water it could damage the material, which could in turn damage your eyes. Depending on the type of contacts and brand you have, you should pick the solution accordingly. The solution you use shouldn t burn your eyes, or cause you to feel any type of discomfort. Depending on how you handle them, you may sometimes scratch the material. Scratches on the contact can be very serious, especially if you aren t aware of it and put the contact in your eye. It can cause you serious trouble, such as an infection or even scratch your cornea. The easiest way to prevent this is to examine your contacts before you wear them. With most types of extended wear lenses, all you have to do is keep them clean, put them in, then go about your normal day. You don t need to clean them near as often as other types of soft contact lenses. Once you clean them they should last you for a long time before they need to be cleaned again. One of the best attributes to extended wear contact lenses is the fact that they are very comfortable. You simply wear your contacts during the day, then toss them away at night. The 1 day lenses from Acuvue totally eliminate the hassle commonly associated with leaving your contacts in solution during the night, then cleaning them once you wake up. With other types of contact lenses, you must clean them before you can wear them. 

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