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Soft vs Hard Contact Lenses

Before you handle your contacts, or put them in your eyes, you should always wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly. If you handle your contacts with dirty hands, you could easily get dirt or debris on your lenses and transfer that dirt that you put on the lens into your eye - which could result in an eye infection. The lens you choose should give you better vision, fit comfortably in your eye, and not do any damage to the cornea. It s very important that your lens not be torn, scratched, or damaged in any way. Before you try the contact out, you should always inspect it to make sure that there are no defects. Your optician will show you how to inspect the contacts before you put them in your eyes, starting with your trial pairs. As long as you clean and disinfect them on a regular basis, they will last you for quite a while. Without the supervision of a doctor, may doctors don t advise the use of non prescription contact lenses. Doctors will tell you that when they don t monitor the fitting, usage of the contacts, and the overall effects, they may cause you serious problems and possibly even blindness. Dry eyes from contact can be very irritating, uncomfortable, and lead you to try to squinch or rub your eyes to seek relief. Even though contact lenses are indeed a cause of dry others, there are other causes as well, one of which being your natural ability to produce years. Some people will produce less tears than others, which can indeed be a problem when wearing contact lenses. If you soak them in water it could damage the material, which could in turn damage your eyes. Depending on the type of contacts and brand you have, you should pick the solution accordingly. The solution you use shouldn t burn your eyes, or cause you to feel any type of discomfort. When you go to your optician to have your eyes fitted for contacts, be sure to ask about gas permeable contacts. There are several ways that you can take care of your contact lenses, which will ensure that they stay healthy and remain comfortable when you wear them. Before you put your contacts in, the first thing to do is wash your hands with soap and warm water. You should also make sure that you dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel, as soap residue or chemicals may get on the contacts, causing them to be very uncomfortable and possibly even burning your eyes when you put them in. 

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