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What's Living On Your Contact Lenses?

These contacts contain a special agent for re-wetting purposes, which enables the contact lens to remain moist, even if your eyes aren t producing enough tears. They are daily wear contacts, and should be soaked in solution at night and replaced every two weeks or so. Even though dry eyes are very common, you can always help to rectify the situation by using right pair of contacts. If you clean them like you should and soak them in solution for a few hours when you take them out, you shouldn t have anything to worry about. Each and every colored contact has the color or design coded on the contact itself. When you wear a pair of these lenses, it is actually the color that has been coded into the contact that projects the colored image everyone sees when they look in your eyes. They are mainly used to correct vision, although they can also be used for those who have just had cataracts, especially if the natural lens around was removed. Contacts can also be used in the treatment of various eye diseases, and scars on the cornea that have been caused by infections or injury. Contact lenses are a great choice for those who have active lifestyles, such as athletes. Up until recently, those who wore bifocals had very limited options when they chose their corrective lenses. Years ago, glasses that contained bifocal lenses were just about the only option available. Over the years, no-line lenses were created, and glasses became a bit more attractive. This was a very definitive time for bifocal correction lenses, as they looked a lot better than they ever did in the past - eliminating the bulky and unattractive appearance they were well known for. While some brands of contacts may be very expensive, there are other brands that don t cost a lot. When you compare them, there really aren t that many differences. A lot of contact lens users feel that the cheaper brands of contacts are reliable, dependable, comfortable, and above everything else - affordable. With that in mind, taking care of and cleaning hard lenses is very different that cleaning and maintaining soft contact lenses. Before you purchase a pair of hard or rigid contacts, you should know how to take care of them and how to clean them. Hard contacts differ from soft contacts, as the cleaning process is very different. 

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