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With 18 step-by-step guides you will be fast on your way to showing off your work on clothing. Professional Airbrush Techniques by Vince Goodeve will teach you some pretty intricate designs. This book will help you learn how to prepare metal surfaces so that you can begin to learn or advance with airbrush art on motorcycles and cars. Workshops can cover a wide variety of different styles and techniques of airbrush art. Makeup artists that practice airbrush art for makeup sometimes will offer workshops in their salons to teach the art of airbrush makeup. So when interested in learning about how to apply airbrush makeup then look into the websites for artist that practice this form of airbrush art. The method believed to be used in this primitive form of airbrush art was the use of a hollow bone in which to spray the paint out of by blowing through it. While this is a very primitive method compared to modern day forms of airbrushing, it does still work. Take a look at children's airbrush art kits that require the child to blow through one end of tube to create the airbrushed art. The air cap and head assembly are on the front of your airbrush and they cover the tip of the needle. The purpose of these parts is to control atomization of the paint spray. Should these parts become dented or damaged in anyway you should replace them immediately. Damage to the air cap and head assembly will effect the performance of your airbrush. Kent Lind will show you how to create cool caricatures in this approximately 70 minute video titled, How to Airbrush Caricatures. This video will go into all the details that you will need to know to create your own airbrush art caricatures. These designs are great on t-shirts, canvas and if you really want you can put then on your car. Paasche a name brand in airbrushes and airbrush accessories offers up an exceptional video titled PAASCHE Airbrushing with the VL. This video is offered on DVD and runs about 30 minutes. This video deals with teaching the beginner all about double action airbrushes. In spite of the fact that the video is geared towards the Paasche VL airbrush, the information taught in this video will work for any double action airbrush on the market. 

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