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Care Instructions For Airbrush Art Tattoos When doing airbrush art tattoos there are some things that must been done to ensure that the airbrush tattoo ink sticks to the skin and does not fade quickly. When the prep work is done right and the customer understands the care instructions they can get many days of realistic looking artwork on their bodies. If the wood has been waxed or has a gloss coat then sanding this will remove this and allow for the paint to stick to the surface. Skin should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils from the skin. The skin's own natural oils will prevent the airbrush paint from successfully sticking to the skin. One rule of thumb to remember is the type of cleaner you use will depend on the type of paint you use. Solvent based paints should be cleaned with a solvent based cleaner. All water based paints can be cleaned with water or a commercial cleaner designed for airbrushes. Windex is useful when cleaner your airbrush between color changes while using your airbrush. Once you are happy with it then airbrush it on to your project to create your own unique airbrush art design. If you don't want to get outdoors to look at new scenery and you don't want to go to the library then you can just surf the web. The internet if full of inspiration for your airbrush art. Start looking at various images and keep surfing until you find the one that gets your creative juices flowing again. If the automotive paint that you have chosen does not flow then thin it down so that it flows. The paint should be thinned to about a milk thickness. A good automotive lacquer will work fine to thin down your automotive paint. Different airbrush art calls for different psi on your compressor. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and for automotive airbrush art you need a compressor that has a psi of 55-65. With this video you can learn about the design and application process, the different types of airbrushes for pin stripping and which brush is right for which job. Learn about choosing paints and other material that you will need. Practice exercises will have you practicing what you see on the video so that you can master your skills. 

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