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But as long as your project is made from the above material you can use water soluble acrylics for your airbrush art designs. Depending on which brand of acrylic paint that you go with, you may need to thin it down so that it flows freely through the airbrush. Also some acrylic paints require that they be heat set if used on clothing. The paint can be automotive paint but make sure that you use a well ventilated area as the fumes can pose a health hazard. It is best when using automotive paint to wear a respirator at all times. When using automotive paint make sure that it is thin enough to flow through the airbrush. If the automotive paint that you have chosen does not flow then thin it down so that it flows. You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. Just make sure you do not go any longer than that. When you take it apart to clean soak it in a commercial grade cleaner overnight. The next morning take an airbrush cleaning brush to it. You will also gain knowledge from trial and error on how to remove stencils without disturbing the paint. The type of paint that is best for a beginner just learning is Golden Airbrush Colors. These paints are ready to use and will save you from having to deal with thinners and such. Save those types of paints for when you have gained yourself some experience with airbrush art. Take a look at children's airbrush art kits that require the child to blow through one end of tube to create the airbrushed art. Now ancient forms of airbrush art have bled over to modern day children's crafts. In 1893 the world seen a more modernized version of airbrushing when Charles Burdick patent the first airbrush device. It is her airbrush art on the motorcycles that has placed her in the ranks with other famous custom airbrush artists. Her airbrush art has been featured in the 2006 Iwata, the RM 2006 and the 2007 Paint calendars. The 2006 and also the 2007 Signature Harley Davidson calendars have featured Shanteau's airbrush art. 

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