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How to Find EPIC Domain Names (That Are Available!)

Before a domain name registration, you should refresh your mind that a domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen, and no space is permitted before, between, and after your domain. And also you can have characters in your domain name registration for up to 67 characters, however, it is noted that the shorter the domain name, the better. It is then considered to be a portion of the URL or address of a web site. This particular thing has simply two major components, and these components are typically separated by a dot. For a concrete view of the nature of a domain name, it is then much better to show an example of this thing. So, one of the common and widely identified domain names on the web is google. You should then be aware of the types of the domain name extensions or top level domain names and also its uses for you to pick up the right one. With such given facts, maybe one of the wise moves in choosing a website domain name is to choose those website domain names that are not applied by any other company with another extension. For much emphasis, in the last few years, another set of domain name suffixes are approved and these include the .aero for the air transport industry; .biz for reserved businesses; .com for businesses, commercial enterprises, or online services; .coop which is reserved for cooperatives; .edu for educational institutions and universities; . Many domain name holders today cater to dot edu domain names for certain purposes and for certain functions. Generally, the dot edu domain name is a descriptive domain name extensions that is designed to imply an educational institution or a degree granting university. So whenever you see a dot edu domain name, now you know that it is an educational institution or a degree granting university. It is just interesting to know that those domain names sold under domain name auctions are soon-to-expire domain names. So today, may people bid on as many as they wish by building a drop list. Speaking of drop list, this is a common support that most of the domain name auction companies provide for the auction process. 

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