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Lec-76: Domain Name System (DNS) in computer Networks

Along with that, it is also interesting to know that such mentioned domain name extensions - .com, .net, and .org - are the most common and they belong on the international front. For further information, such mentioned domain name extensions are called as the "Big 3" for the reason that they accessible to anyone, without limitations, and now widely recognized in all parts of the globe. So as result, it is therefore important that the domain name must have matching IP address for it to function correctly. This is also one of the best explanations that show how the domain name and IP address are connected. This explanation alone led to the association between the two and thus being identified as a domain name IP address. And for everybody to comprehend the real nature of domain name registrars and the nature of their work and their role in domain name registration, one must then learn about the ICANN or the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. So speaking of the ICANN that plays a major part in the domain name registrars, it is necessary to know that it has two main responsibilities. Today, as domain names continues to become a commodity; many people have particular desires to buy a domain name and particularly to sell a domain name. Generally, to sell a domain name, which is the main focus of this article, involves a not so easy process. If buying a domain name involves some processes, to sell a domain name is also to undergo different steps. Many resources were providing some sorts of domain name suggestions specifically about the consideration for selecting the best domain name. One of those common domain name suggestions for selecting a domain name stated that in deciding for a domain name, the name should be kept short. Although the maximum characters for domain name is 67, still you have to keep in mind that people need the domain names to be able to understand and remember, as well as to easily enter it into the browser. These mentioned domain name extensions belong on the international front and these domain name extensions are the common in such field. In terms of a country by country basis, the common domain name extensions are based on the two-character ISO country codes and this is for the main reason that many countries offered these kinds of domain name extensions. 

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