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What is Domain Name, URL, Web Page, Website, WWW, Web Hosting | TechTerms

Who owns domain names? Well, it is also typical that the web site designers or an internet service provider owns a domain name. Generally, a person who owns domain names or the initial owner who is technically called the "licensee" of a domain name is the person or entity that is listed as the domain name registrant. I am sure that you know that there is a common name listed in the phonebook that is associated with a long string of numerals pertaining to a specific telephone. Aside from that, it is also interesting to know that speaking of the domain name IP addresses; others noted that the domain name IP addresses are like the reference numbers that are applied to categorize the books in a library. Changing Registered Domain Name Sometimes when we register our domain names, we do some transformations on it, maybe on the Domain Name System information or even to the registered domain name hosting. Such case is so common for many people, and in fact, many experts have recommended that we really do some changes on the registered domain names. Accordingly, the domain name renewal can be done any time, however, it is often made within a few months of when a domain name's term of time is about to reach its due time. In line with the period for the domain name renewal, it is generally considered that domain names can have a maximum of ten years of registration term that is affixed to them at any given period. Domain Name Extension and its Types What is a domain name extension? This is the most popular and foremost question when it comes to domain name extension. Many people were really asking that question times every time a subject about domain name and its extensions is tackled. Well, fortunate for them that they are actually left with answers on their hands. org. They are known as the "Big 3" for the reason that these domain name extensions are accessible to anyone, without restrictions, and are widely known throughout the cosmos. The second type of the top-level domain names are the Country-level top domains. It is noted that these types are generally under government control, with the purpose of adding level of toughness and stability that a third party might find tough to level. 

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