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How To Draw A Mythical Kitten Dragon

While the book will teach you some intricate designs do not worry though cause the book, also has some simple projects that you can start with when working with airbrushing motorcycles and cars. If you are at an intermediate level with airbrush art then The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook by Pamela Shanteau is for you. How To Prepare Various Surfaces For Airbrush Art When you begin an airbrush art project, you will first need to prep the surface. The prep work that you do will be determined by what type of surface you will be airbrushing. The prep work to the surface will ensure that the paint sticks to the surface and that nothing is interfering with the airbrushed design. Solvent based paints should be cleaned with a solvent based cleaner. All water based paints can be cleaned with water or a commercial cleaner designed for airbrushes. Windex is useful when cleaner your airbrush between color changes while using your airbrush. Never soak or leave your airbrush exposed to Windex for any real length of time. What makes airbrushed t-shirts so unique is that one of a kind images can be created giving the wearer a shirt that no one else has. Thus making for a pretty fun hobby or profitable business. The great thing with airbrush art is that you really do not have to know how to draw. All you need to know how to do is successfully use the stencil that you wish to use for your design. There are plenty of places to acquire stencils or get design ideas so that you can create your own stencils. If you do create your own stencils for airbrushing your automobile do not use paper to create your stencils. Automobiles need lots of paint and this will damage paper stencils rather quickly. So stick with plastic or vinyl material for your stencils. You will need a air compressor that is designed for airbrushing on nails. The best air compressor to use is the Iwata Studios Series Silver Jet Air Compressor. While this one is the best one you can go with any small compressor that has an 18 psi. Preferably get an air compressor that will adjust between 10-18 psi if you do not go with the Iwata Silver Jet. 

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