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12 Signs You Have HIGH Estrogen Levels!

There is also an intense feeling of irritation even without any reason. It leads to persistent high tempered feeling. The level of Depression also increases that can cause misery. Usually, when the right amount or dosage of estrogen supplement is taken, you can also expect the best results if you take this supplement. Although the Women s Health initiative did not take in hand this particular query, observational undertakings proved that taking estrogen for quite a while starting in menopausal stage prove to have some health benefits. Among these benefits are: Lower hip fractures Lower cases of heart attacks While the negative effect for long-term intakes over dosage are: Gall stone Breast cancer Endometrial cancer The bottom line is, too much of something is bad for one s well being, even if we talking about a compound with an immense health benefit and wonders- as in the case of estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone produced by the ovaries. These particular hormones are responsible for the regulation of the different reproductive functions of the female body. It is one among the two female hormones that are responsible for the different shapes of the female body. It is done merely by the even distribution of fats in the body of a female. However, women should supply their body with estrogen to maintain normal functions and prevent some damages in the body. How are you going to fill your body with the needed amount of estrogen? Is it possible? To maintain a normal estrogen in the body, there are several ways you can do in order to fill the required level of estrogen in the body. For that matter, clinical practitioners were alarmed and advised their patients who use estrogen pills to protect their health. The users were even recommended to use a natural, bio-identical estrogen. A large number of women stopped taking estrogen pills after they have heard the initial report of the National Institute of Health that showed the serious danger of the estrogen pills. Other beneficial effects of estrogen are: Reduce night sweats Reduces the risk of colon cancer Improves pelvic musculature Avoid loss of collagen in the skin However, besides its promises, estrogen has also increased the number of severe concerns because there are dangerous effects that could possibly happen with some women. 

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