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Bổ Sung Estrogen Ở Phụ Nữ - Tuổi Nao Cần? | BS.CK1 Nguyễn Lệ Quyen

With lower estrogen, the ovaries will produce minimum numbers of eggs as well. And with fewer eggs produced, menstrual cycle will stop. Usually, the cause of low estrogen production is aging. It can stop your ovaries from producing estrogens that will cause the absence of menstruation or menopause. The production of low estrogen also affects the holistic balance of the woman s body or the homeostasis. Usually, when the right amount or dosage of estrogen supplement is taken, you can also expect the best results if you take this supplement. It always depends upon you if you want to be successful with the treatment. Follow your doctor s advice properly to prevent possible side effects of Estrogen supplement compounds. Other possible negative effects of estrogen include: Vaginal bleeding or spotting Abdominal pains Poor sleeping habit Skin rashes Depression Head aches, migraine headaches Causes endometrial cancer Therefore, with both of these positive and negative effects presented, the decision in taking estrogen will not be all yes . This is because, estrogen is found in the eggs produced by the ovaries. Usually, the normal menstrual cycle in a woman s anatomy last for twenty eight to thirty days. During this period, estrogen is found in a normal state. However, if menstruation is noted, that is the time where estrogen is found in a higher level. Estrogen as a Contributor in Signalling our Body Clock As medical technology advances throughout the years, there has been much fuss in the medical field about estrogen. Many studies and researches were conducted towards finding out the very nature of estrogen. All of these undertakings agreed on one thing, estrogen is a primary component in the indication of the human body clock. If your body is incapacitated of producing estrogen, you will experience menopause or the permanent cessation of menstruation. Old age is one of the major reasons why women experience such. However, a woman's body should continuously produce estrogen to maintain its sexual functions. If your body is already incapacitated of producing estrogen, you can try eating foods that has natural estrogen. 

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