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Estrogen, Mood Swings & Menopause Connection – Dr. Berg

Since hair loss is sometimes temporary in most women, it can be cured with shampoos that are intended to revert hair loss. However, men suffering the same problem can choose to have hair restoration methods like hair replacement surgeries. The reason for such option is that hair loss is usually lasting in men. Many studies have proven that low production of estrogen in the body causes the permanent absence of menstruation. Estrogen is a female hormone produced by the ovaries. These particular hormones are responsible for the regulation of the different reproductive functions of the female body. It is one among the two female hormones that are responsible for the different shapes of the female body. PA-1 is said to be the vital inhibitor of fibrinolysis which multiplies in women after menopause and may risk a lady s life of cardiovascular disease. If you really need it and if you have the right amount of money, why not undergo ERT? But always remember to weigh the pros and cons that ERT provides. If there are times that you fail to apply the patch in the affected area make sure that you will still apply it as soon as you remember. But do not dare to apply the patch more than the prescribed because it can cause some side effects. Most often, instead of treating you, it can worsen the condition. In spite of this, you need to get yourself ready with the possible symptoms that may come out your body. The woman undergo menopausal when her ovarian functions starts to decline. Usually, this is also the point when the woman does not have the capacity to bear a child anymore. However, in some cases there are still some of them who gives birth to the so-called menopausal babies. The dosage is entirely different when the person is taking estrogen prepared by using synthetic Estradiol and the brand name is Estrace, research showed that adequate dosage is from .5 to 1 mg/day. While the brand names Estretab and Menest works effectively when the person intakes .3 to .625 mg/ day under Estrified preparations, while a lower dosage is recommended for those who take ogen estrogen the ample amount for this brand ranges from .6 to .125 mg/day. 

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