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Low Estrogen Symptoms - How to Increase Levels Naturally

Are you suffering from thinning hair or baldness? Do you know the possible reasons why such problems are happening to you? If you do, then perhaps it can be recovered or better yet be prevented. There are many probable causes of hair loss. For instance, there is high fever, serious disease, pregnancy, too much stress, and the most common, estrogen deficiency all of which can cause you to have hair loss. A correct management of estrogen deficiency should be taken into consideration since this deficiency can give permanent problems to the affected person. Two common lasting side effect of estrogen deficiency are osteoporosis and cardio vascular disease. Osteoporosis This is one of the most feared diseases of adult women. And one of these hormones is the estrogen which is a vital for every woman in this world. Estrogen is one of the most important hormones in a women's body. It provides some identifying features of a woman such as bigger chest, smaller hips, and a firmer skin. It helps in the reproduction as well. Estrogen is produced primarily by the ovaries where the egg cells are produced. It increases the threat for endometrial cancer 6. It can destroy the liver With all these advantages and disadvantages presented, it all depends to the person if she wants to have the therapy. However, if you really want to take an estrogen therapy, it would be a nice idea if you discuss the matter carefully with your doctor. The dosage is entirely different when the person is taking estrogen prepared by using synthetic Estradiol and the brand name is Estrace, research showed that adequate dosage is from .5 to 1 mg/day. While the brand names Estretab and Menest works effectively when the person intakes .3 to .625 mg/ day under Estrified preparations, while a lower dosage is recommended for those who take ogen estrogen the ample amount for this brand ranges from .6 to .125 mg/day. Otherwise, a woman already knows about the health risk of the estrogen but is still not bothered about it. What they want is to get rid of the menopause symptoms immediately even if it will give her in return unbearable diseases. Do not know that there are also effective but safe ways to remove hot flashes and other menopause symptoms without the need to use the estrogen pills. 

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