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Selective estrogen receptor modulator - Tamoxifen

Pregnant women are not advised to take medicines that are estrogen enhancer, because it is not good for the baby inside the womb of the mother. Usually, it leads to the miscarriage of the baby and may cause serious complications to the mother. Estrogen medications are indeed helpful for women with menopausal disorders, but these are also risky, especially if not taken properly. It was found that it directly relates in the body cycle of a human being. Estrogen, as defined in the modern medical dictionary- does not only pertain to a single compound but is rather made up of groups of steroid compounds. While it is present in both male and female, it has higher concentrations in female, because it is the one responsible for the promoting of female secondary characteristics. However, there are also researches, which presents that estrogen has no beneficial effects for heart problems. Others suggest that estrogen can protect a woman from having Alzheimer s disease, but this is not yet confirmed. Recent clinical tests of estrogen in postmenopausal women with symptoms of Alzheimer s disease have not presented any effects. For an unknown reason, estrogen helps women against cardiovascular diseases from her childhood up to middle age. Therefore, when there is an insufficient estrogen in a woman s body, she is susceptible to any cardiovascular diseases. In order to prevent this, hormone replacement therapy must be made. However, the therapy is only good for women who has estrogen deficiency and wants to prevent her self from having a cardiovascular disease. These secondary sources are known to be very beneficial to post-menopausal women. Downfall of Estrogen In the later part of a woman s life, around the age of 50, her ovaries face the tide of menopause, a period when it finally ceases producing estrogens. For ladies who wish to avoid discomfort and the agony of health problems caused by diminished circulating estrogens, Estrogen Replacement Therapy (or ERT) is an option to choose. These women have no idea of what is happening around them. Perhaps, she did not even know that such report exists. Simply do not care at all. This may be the same as the first situation. Otherwise, a woman already knows about the health risk of the estrogen but is still not bothered about it. What they want is to get rid of the menopause symptoms immediately even if it will give her in return unbearable diseases. 

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