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What to eat for low #estrogen 😳 #shorts #diet

Others suggest that estrogen can protect a woman from having Alzheimer s disease, but this is not yet confirmed. Recent clinical tests of estrogen in postmenopausal women with symptoms of Alzheimer s disease have not presented any effects. Other beneficial effects of estrogen are: Reduce night sweats Reduces the risk of colon cancer Improves pelvic musculature Avoid loss of collagen in the skin However, besides its promises, estrogen has also increased the number of severe concerns because there are dangerous effects that could possibly happen with some women. If Premarin is not suited in a person s system, it will result to the following side effects: A person experiences bloating and swelling in some areas of the body that may seem very unusual. There is also an intense feeling of irritation even without any reason. It leads to persistent high tempered feeling. As the menopausal stage occurs, it is usually characterized by a full year without menstrual period and the level of estrogen in the body gradually goes down. Decrease in egg production, low level of sexual desires, lower bone density and muscle firmness as well as skin integrity follows. As the estrogen production starts to diminish in the menopausal period, this marks the transgression of the human cycle. The most common side effects with estrogen hormone are: Softness of the breast, either men or women Inflammation of the ankles and legs Lesser cravings for food Sudden changes in weight Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pains Skin Irritation Other side effects are: Bleeding gums Vaginal bleeding and spotting Changes in menstrual flow Painful menstruation PMS or the pre-menstrual syndrome Vaginal infection such as Candida Diarrhea Loss of scalp hair Migraine Faintness Despair Increased sexual desires Decreased sexual desires Rare side effects include: Blood clotting Sudden feeling to urinate Unclear speech Changes in vision Breathlessness Estrogen hormone should always be balanced. Usually, if women do not have enough estrogen and progesterone, they appear to have smaller breast and masculine appearance. However, if a women have an over production of these hormones, it may lead to more serious state like stroke and osteoporosis, as what other studies says. Everyone including men must also know the importance of estrogen and progesterone in the women body. Moreover, it is also an important component for the development and enhancement of the female secondary sex characteristics such as the breast and endometrioum. During the menopausal cycle of the women estrogen plays a very vital role. This is the necessity of having an appropriate level of Estrogen to prevent the unnecessary disorders that may take place inside a woman s body. 

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