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When and How We Manage Estrogen Levels in TRT Patients

A correct management of estrogen deficiency should be taken into consideration since this deficiency can give permanent problems to the affected person. Two common lasting side effect of estrogen deficiency are osteoporosis and cardio vascular disease. Osteoporosis This is one of the most feared diseases of adult women. It lessen the threat of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease 3. It reduce hot flushes 4. It may reduce mood changes and enhance psychological comfort Although there are severe threats associated with estrogen therapy, many health practitioner and institutions believe that the helpful result set aside the risk factors. There are a total of six estrogenic substances in the women s body. However, there are only three top occurring estrogens in women namely: estrone, estradiol and estriol. 1. Estrone this is the most powerful among the three. This is the main estrogen being produced in the ovary. 2. Estratiol this is the most common estrogen. This includes breast development, and it is an important hormone that helps in promoting sexual vitality, relieving hot flashes, night sweats and other deficiency symptoms that go along with old age. The female body produces three major types of this estrogen, these includes estriol, estradiol, and estrone. It can be due to the diet of a person, exercise and even stress. Estrogen medications are used to treat disorders that are caused by low estrogen level in a person s body or due to the menopausal symptoms. However, if you are considering some of the side effects that have been brought by estrogen creams and other medications you can take estrogen supplements. If your body is already incapacitated of producing estrogen, you can try eating foods that has natural estrogen. There are several herbs and foods that can be a great source of pure and natural estrogens. They can be useful during menopause. The following lists of the different foods available are just some of the best sources of estrogen. 

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