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Dark Circles Under Your 👀 Eyes?

Studies show that 90 percent of facial aging is cause by the damage brought by UV rays and radiation. You can protect yourself from UV rays by applying sun block or sunscreen daily, wearing clothing that helps protect your skin from the sun's rays such as long sleeves and pants along with wide brimmed hats, and by lessening your exposure to the sun especially in its peak hours-10a. For those people who are becoming stressed out by visible signs of aging, it s never too late to start regaining that youthful look and glow. Two of the most common complaints of people when it comes to skin is having different kinds skin disorders or having visible signs of premature aging. These are what different beauty products are for to provide solution to people s common skin problems. It also has fruits and vegetables high in vitamins such as vitamins A, B, B2, and E; fiber; calcium; iodine; and protein. Less sugar should also be included in the diet, as excess sugar is linked to premature aging. It is generally understood that changing diet is not an easy task, but take baby steps first. When choosing a cleanser, consider your type of skin and be extra critical. Some cleansers come in the form of soaps, others in liquid form. There are beauty experts who prefer using liquid cleansers since they believe soaps can strip off moisture from the skin and leave it dry. However, this is an issue of personal preference. Maintaining a healthy weight that corresponds to your height is one of the best ways to avoid early signs of aging and ugly skin. By having a healthy weight, you can also avoid various coronary heart diseases and other conditions that can be linked with obesity. By keeping your weight in check, you can be able to achieve a healthy skin that can veer you away from the early signs of aging. Moisturize The skin on the face needs to be kept moisturize all the time as this is the part of the skin that is often exposed to the sun and the harsh environment. Moisturizing the skin will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and lines that may let you appear older than you really are. 4. Cleansing routine It is important that one follow a cleansing routine every day. 

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